Comparing TSE to alternative natural gas transport methods

TSE’s multimodal cryogenic LNG containers provide an ease of transport that is suitable for worldwide delivery, avoiding some of the pitfalls of traditional natural gas transport methods.


Feeding Natural Gas via Pipeline Transmission

Unlike pipeline transmission, our double-hulled LNG containers can deliver LNG over long distances without the risk of spills, leaks, or ruptures. LNG containers are more easily maintained and repaired than permanent, underground transmission systems.


Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) via Tube Trailer on Road 

Natural gas transport by road is safer than utilizing tube trailers, with our unpressurized and structurally supported LNG containers.


LNG via Trailer Truck on Road

Delivering LNG by use of our standardized, cryogenic containers reduces the risks of boil-off gas (BOG) and offers a longer holding time than trailer trucks.

Safety comparison of LNG and CNG transportation by truck

Low Pressure

CNG’s pressure is normally between 20 and 25 MPa, while LNG’s pressure is normally below 1.5 MPa, allowing for safer transportation.

High Durability

CNG’s tank container has a single-layer construction, while LNG’s container is double-layered, which is more stable and durable when facing any safety issue.

Fewer Risks

CNG leaks are very destructive and more likely to cause a fire, while LNG leaks will be accompanied by smoke and frost, which are easier to detect. Also, transported LNG is at a lower pressure and is less likely to cause a fire.

Endurance & Convenience

For the same volume, LNG has two to three times the range of endurance capability than CNG. LNG also requires less space for the trailer head, making transportation more convenient.

 Tracking & Maintenance Features



Online Testing






Monitoring and Maintenance System

TSE Safety Assurance

TSE strives to meet the highest safety standards in the industry.


Complying with International Standards

We fully comply with IMDG, ISO, and SOLAS standards, making operational safety and emergency response a requirement.

Tank Certification

Our containers are internationally standardized T75 ISO LNG tanks. They are fully certified by BV, and comply with TC and USDOT standards.

Real-time Tracking & Monitoring 

All inspections and maintenance are regularly scheduled, and our alert system is backed with emergency response procedures.

Operations Team

Our team has coordinated over 500 multimodal LNG container shipments with no safety issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the term “multimodal” mean?

By road, rail, or sea, TSE can deliver LNG to remote customers in need, and to customers with large or small usage profiles.

Why does TSE stock over 300 LNG containers?

We stock a large fleet of LNG containers to ensure our customers receive LNG on time, and to have the capability to expand for urgent supply demands from existing or new customers. Our large fleet of self-owned containers can also provide buffer storage onsite or prior to delivery.

What is the importance of TSE’s containers having a 90+ day holding time?

The long holding time of our containers provides security for our off-grid and remote customers. The optimal distance to supply LNG via our multimodal containers is within 200 km travel distance, one way.